Have a taste
As the Corona pandemic spreads, with suffering and death rampant around the whole world, believers started praying for divine help to alleviate the suffering and to put a stop to the nightmare. Almost never was the logical somersault and mental Catch-22 questioned when of course if God really existed, he could have prevented it all. This is just one among the many dramatic and exposing questions asked in this book, Why is it. Another question deals with how humanity came to be.
Why is it that believers cannot agree that we have a common ancestry with the monkeys but rather accept that we descend from incest?
Could it really be that God who is all-knowing, all-seeing and all-powerful could in any way be surprised at the outcome of his creation?
What is the difference between what we have been taught to believe and what our holy texts really say?
Are religious institutions here for God or perhaps more for the benefit their own existence and that of their leaders?
If Jesus was sent to earth by his Father to die on the cross for our sins, was His crucifixion not godly suicide?
Why is it… is about the difficult questions about religion, religious institutions and religious figures. Each of the 12 chapters of the book is a separate question being asked and followed up by a discussion that can help you with your own inquiry.
A few more questions worth thinking about
Did Jesus really commit suicide by crucifixion?
Jesus was sent by his father, God, to earth to suffer and die for our
sins so that God could forgive us – which of course He could have
done in the first place and we would never have known the difference. Jesus himself is God and one with God and the Holy Spirit. Nobody acting alone can kill God and, of course not all the people at the square screaming for Jesus’ blood can kill God. Not even all of us together can kill God. God, after all, created everyone and everything. The crucifixion of Jesus fulfilled the reason God sent him to earth and therefore this can be seen as nothing more or less than suicide by

Is it true that believing Roman Catholics are cannibals?
The definition of a cannibal is a person who eats the flesh of other
human beings. At communion, a Roman Catholic puts the bread and wine in his mouth and – lo and behold – through transubstantiation, the bread turns into the body of Christ and the wine His blood. It is not a symbol for his body and blood. That fabulous word transubstantiation, turns it into his actual body and blood. Since the definition of a cannibal is a person who eats the flesh of other human beings and this fantastical transformation to the body and blood of Christ occurs, we must conclude that it meets the definition of cannibalism. They believe that the bread and wine that is offered is the actual body and blood of Christ and another form of sacrifice.

So many ask what would happen if Jesus came back to earth in the hope that they would find an answer to all the questions and worries?
The fact is that if Jesus were to come back to earth, we would have
nowhere to complain if Jesus decided that any one of us should
become a slave. We would have nowhere to appeal if Jesus or God
decided that my way of worshiping Him was the wrong one, even
though I had always believed it was the right one. Therefore, I should burn in purgatory forever. Democracy would definitely be over – one must be careful what one wishes for.

Good and bad by readers
“Be careful: this book could turn you into an atheist. It is very readable and while there is a strong thread running throughout the text, each chapter stands alone and can be read in isolation. You could read some of it, think about it, put the book away and come back to it later. So, digest this chapter by chapter at your leisure.
Be warned: the author employs rational thinking and logic as he delves into the often irrational and illogical world of scripture, religious institutions and religious figures. It is clear that Harry Margulies is an atheist, but rest assured that he is smart and knowledgeable enough to be able to analyse holy texts to get to what they really say and not what we are taught to believe they mean.
Whether you are a firm believer, an agnostic or an atheist, this book will still tease and entertain you. It is in fact a book that demands to be read. It is as enlightening as it is unsettling, and every priest, rabbi, minister, mullah and imam should get their hands on a copy before their congregation comes knocking with a whole lot of urgent questions.”
Journalist and Publisher, Sweden
“You are, in this book, describing general problems of the world in an ecclesiastical framework, but the canvas is a worldly organisation (the Roman Catholic Church). Your patent contempt towards the divine is misguided and the criticism batters open doors for many Christians. The task of man’s earthly life is preparing himself for eternal salvation and blessedness. To attain this, a man must live in a holy and pure manner – that is, according to God’s will. Christians choose this because this way of life is believed to be better for all. That is not the same as submission (Islam). Hell is not about love; it is about justice.”
Orthodox Priest, Europe
“When I started to read this book, I found that it has a good balance between the thought-provoking, teasing, intellectually stimulating, possibly challenging – uncomfortably – those with fixed, ingrained, dogmatic beliefs – in fact I am tempted to see what my friend makes of it (a converted Roman Catholic) – and downright entertaining. It certainly makes one want to read more.
After having read the book, my dilemma now is what I will say to my first granddaughter (and others that might appear) when she is old enough to ask questions about religion – apart from sharing my own philosophy at some point – and what I will say to my children about the wisdom and benefit of christenings to come (and Christmas itself).”
Barrister, United Kingdom
How present is God for You?
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